Friday, January 15, 2010

Still Unofficial Martha Stewart Cupcake Club: Coconut Cupcakes

I still have not been approved for the Martha Stewart Cupcake Club (there is a waiting list), but I am enjoying baking along, so I thought I would keep going.  This month's pick, by Cinema Cupcakes, was coconut cupcakes on page 28-29 of the cookbook.  You might wonder why you have not seen more coconut on this blog, and it is because none of us really like it.  However, I decided to make these and send them along to my husband's office, since they always like cupcakes.  I don't know how they tasted (again, I don't like coconuts), but they smelled nice and they were very high, soft and springy, so I assume the texture was good.

So, now let's talk about the frosting.  The recipe called for coconut flavored 7 minute frosting.  I was psyched about this frosting, because it let me use up 6 of the egg whites I had in freezer.  Everything was going fine until I decided that, since I didn't have coconut extract, I would use coconut milk instead.  As soon as I put it in the fluffy beaten egg whites, I knew it was a mistake.  No liquid in egg whites, except in very small quantities!  I knew that, but I didn't think it through.  Anyway, no amount of beating could salvage the frosting, so I just kept going, adding the sugar syrup and beating until it was cool (for about 7 minutes, hence the frosting name).  It did not work out, so I just dipped the cupcakes in the sad, liquid frosting and called it a glaze.  I topped it with some shredded coconut to try to make them look pretty and to let people know what they were going to eat.  There is nothing worse than thinking something is vanilla and getting coconut.

I look forward to seeing what other people thought of these and if there is anyone in my husband's office reading this blog, feel free to comment and tell me how they were!


  1. I didn't know that you couldn't add liquid to egg whites! I'm glad you mentioned that. I thought I didn't have any coconut extract, and I almost added coconut milk to the frosting, but didn't in the end. I hope you get to bake along with us (officially) very soon!

  2. As long as you keep coming to my blog to comment, I can find you, and I consider you part of the group, official or not! I think sometimes I learn more by the mistakes I make than by just doing it right all the time. Now I learned something from you...don't add coconut milk to icing! Tracey and I were trying to figure out what to do with the leftover milk, so I think she (in Rhode Island) and myself (in Indiana) are going to do a Twitter cook along tonight and make something from the A Taste of Thai sight...never done anything Thai before, so we shall see what I LEARN! I think your cupcakes look lovely...and I do LOVE coconut, so I have to tell you, these were the best cupcakes EVER!

  3. I'm with Kayte - happy to stop by and visit and check out your cupcakes even if you're not "official" :) Kudos on salvaging the frosting despite the issues you had - the cupcakes look great! I loved these - hope your husband's coworkers agreed.

  4. I consider you in the club too! Your cupcakes look great. And a great save on the frosting! - mary the food librarian
