Monday, January 11, 2010

I Love Muffins: Blueberry

I have been trying to find a muffin worth eating here in Texas.  Many of them are way, way to sweet, or they are too dry or they just don't taste good.  I have decided that the only solution is to make my own.  Sometimes you just want a really good muffin.

I have made this a bunch of times.  They are from one of my favorites -- King Arthur Flour -- and they are delicious.  I would make a couple of adjustments to the recipe.  I think that you could reduce the sugar somewhat.  They are not overly sweet, but they could be less sweet, especially if you want them as a breakfast treat, so I might go down to a little more than half a cup of sugar.  Also, you could substitute some of the white flour with whole wheat flour (or white whole wheat flour) if you want them to be a bit healthier.  Finally, I thought that 1.5 cups of blueberries was way to many for the amount of batter.  I would reduce to one cup and you would have plenty.

I didn't have any sparkling sugar, so they looked good, but they didn't have that sugary crunch.  You can find the recipe here.


1 comment:

  1. When you can't find good food, you just have to make it yourself! Those muffins look delicious!
