Saturday, April 9, 2011

BAKED Sunday Mornings Rewind: Devil's Food Cake with Angel Icing

This week's recipe for BAKED Sunday Mornings was Carrot Coconut Scones.  Regular readers of this blog know that I am really not a fan of coconut, and I'm not much for carrots either.  So, I really had no intention of making these scones.  Sorry!  I hope everyone else enjoyed them.

However, after the Devil's Food Cake with Angel Icing got such good reviews a few weeks back, I decided to make it as a rewind.  We had some company for Shabbat dinner a few weeks back, new friends from my son's nursery school class, and since we were having dairy, I decided this would be a great cake to try.  I forgot to put parchment paper in the bottom of pan, so this cake stuck like crazy, but even though it came out of the pan in pieces, it still tasted delicious, and (as you can see above) it still looked ok.

The frosting was really good too.  It was super sweet on its own, but together with the cake, which wasn't that sweet, it was a great combination.  This was the first time that a frosting that required pouring hot sugar syrup into egg whites actually worked for me, and I'm so glad it did.  It was a great combination of sweet, fluffy white icing with a dense, chocolate cake.  It got rave reviews and I highly recommend it, either for a special occasion or just because you need a cake.


  1. This week is my first time participating in baked sunday mornings. I too wasn't too keen on making the scones, but made them anyway since they're easy enough to do. But I might have to make this cake too! Looks great!

  2. Man, that was a good cake! I still intend on making that one again! As for the meringue frosting, I find that the Italian meringue method (which is used for this cake) is the most manageable for me. It always works, never fails, and it tastes great! Glad you finally got a chance to make this.

  3. I am so glad you made this! That's what I love about frosting is that it can hide baking mishaps. We loved this recipe so much. Your cake looks so beautiful!

  4. This cake is family is after me to bake it again. Good recipe choice. I'm not a scone lover, but there were good...I'll bake them again.

  5. A beautiful rewind!!! So glad you were able to make it - even with the sticking (hate that)! Nicely done!


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