Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just the Thing for a Cold Day: Frozen Hot Chocolate

A frigid chill has gripped most of the country (except for southern California -- seriously, does it ever get cold there), and you are probably thinking about curling up with a nice hot mug of hot chocolate.  You must be thinking we are a little crazy for suggesting Frozen Hot Chocolate when its so cold outside, but we're not.  This drink is worth cranking up the heat for, we promise.  It is chocolaty and delicious, and while you might get a brain freeze, you will be warmed by the memory of this drink's yumminess.  

There is a restaurant in New York, Serendipity 3, that is famous for their frozen hot chocolate.  While this drink might not be quite as out-of-this-world as theirs, you can make it at home, which means you don't have to go outside in the cold (or get on a plane) to get it.

It is super simple to make.  

Frozen Hot Chocolate (adapted from the Food Network)
3 oz good quality bittersweet chocolate, chopped
1.5 cups of milk (you can experiment with what type)
2 teaspoons hot chocolate mix (do not use cocoa powder, you won't get the same results)
3 cups of Ice 
Whipped Cream (if you want to)

In a saucepan, melt the chocolate with half the milk.  When it is all melted, stir in the hot chocolate mix.

Put ice in a blender with the remaining milk.  Pour the chocolate mixture over the ice.  Blend until it is the consistency of a frozen drink.  Garnish with whipped cream if you want to.

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