Monday, March 21, 2011

Adventures with the Ice Cream Maker: Blood Orange Sorbet

This morning, I was listening to the radio and they were talking about the 2-3 months in Los Angeles when the produce pickings are slimmer than the rest of the year.  As someone who comes from the east coast, I find the amount of produce in LA farmer's markets in the dead of winter astonishing, so I'm not totally sure what they are talking about.  For example, at every farmer's market we go to (and there are more than one for each day of the week) there are always at least 2 or 3 stalls selling beautiful and tasty citrus.  There is every variety -- from regular oranges and grapefruits to pomelos, Meyer lemons and blood oranges.

Ever since I first saw the blood oranges in the farmer's market, I knew I had to make sorbet out of them.  They have such an amazing color and delicious taste that I knew the sorbet would not only be beautiful but tasty as well.

This sorbet combined two different types of blood oranges.  One was a very, very dark red (it did have a blood-like color) and one was much lighter, almost an orangey-peach color.  Combined, they made the lovely color you see above.  I could look at that beautiful sorbet all day, if I didn't know it tasted so good and so it usually ends up in my mouth!

This sorbet was very simple.  Combine 1/4 cup of sugar for every cup of blood orange juice.  Heat in a saucepan until the sugar dissolves, chill and then freeze in your ice cream maker.  The hardest part about this was juicing all those oranges, but it was totally worth it!  

1 comment:

  1. I'm in Boston and am super jealous of all the fantastic produce California has. Even in the dead of winter the West Coast seems to be teeming with fresh produce. So lucky!
